Monday, 14 September 2015

International Pottery Festival Berjeijkse Netherlands.

Well we are just travelling back from the Netherlands from a new International Ceramics Fair.  As you can see via the tunnel. 
The weather was kind, beer was good, people friendly and kind. 
Great to see other potters work too and bring back a couple of wine cups too. 
We were a bit of a surprise for the locals as they didnt quite understand why we travelled so far for the market.  It was a rather good adventure and an eye opener to new opportunities and an insight into trading in Europe. 
We covered our costs on the end, I don't think we expected that as it was a bit of a break for us from the workshop. 
Great to make acquiantance with some canny potters from Netherlands, France, Germany, Romania... Etc
This fair we have heard will be every two years and we may think of doing some activities there next time (maybe some Raku). 
Who know we may see you at the next one;) 
Let us know of any festivals you know of and we may well apply to attend them too!